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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


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American Karate/TaeKwonDo, Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Bootcamps

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Coach Alex Daltro

 Alex Daltro BJJ Black Belt

  • Alexandre “Scud” Daltro is skilled in various martial arts such as Capoeira and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. At the young age of twelve in 1989, instructor Daltro began practicing Capoeira in Brazil under Mestrando Sabiá, he later became the top practitioner in his country, and within his Capoeira group was amongst the top few of such a high belt level. He was given the nickname “Scud” meaning “the missile” in 1990 while training Capoeira. He certainly carries this nickname over into Brazilian jiu jitsu. In 1996, he started training Brazilian jiu jitsu for a few years in Brazil before moving to the U.S. to later continue training once settling in the state of Georgia. In 2007, Alex has trained ever since, working up towards his current belt level of Black Belt. He began training under Professor Roberto Traven (http://www.TravenJiuJitsu.com) about four or five years ago. His passion for jiu jitsu shows within all of his students he has had both past or present. He has been instructing Brazilian jiu jitsu now for about five years in Loganville. No matter where his school is located, it’s the jiu jitsu family he has created which sticks together, and is bonded by such a great instructor. For it is with the type of teamwork that Alex creates in his students which makes him a great addition to the Roberto Traven Team. There are several up and coming jiu jitsu programs all over, however the place to learn is here. If you wish to know why with Alex, why with a Team Roberto Traven affiliate, you will only find that answer in coming to try a class and getting started on a path only few choose to take. Come train with us! Oss!

 For more information or to register for the program please call (972) 258-8333 or email instructor@texaskaratedo.com


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